(Greek, Panormos; Latin, Panhormus,Panormus). Palermo, the capital of the autonomous region of Sicily in the Italian republic, and the seat of an archbishop, lies on the northwestern coast at the head of the bay of Palermo, facing east. Behind the town is a fertile plain, known as the Conca d'oro, almost devoted to the cultivation of oranges and lemons, and beyond the plain in an amphitheatre of mountains. The Conca d'oro is watered by springs and wells, by the Oreto river and by the artificial lake of Piana degli Albanesi. At the southeastern end of the bay is the promontory of Zafferano, on which are the remains of ancient Soluntum; at the opposite end is Monte Pellegrino (see in WikiMapia) and farther north is the bathing beach of Mondello. (by Giovanni Mascellaro, Palermo)
(Greek, Panormos; Latin, Panhormus,Panormus). Palermo, the capital of the autonomous region of Sicily in the Italian republic, and the seat of an archbishop, lies on the northwestern coast at the head of the bay of Palermo, facing east. Behind the town is a fertile plain, known as the Conca d'oro, almost devoted to the cultivation of oranges and lemons, and beyond the plain in an amphitheatre of mountains. The Conca d'oro is watered by springs and wells, by the Oreto river and by the artificial lake of Piana degli Albanesi. At the southeastern end of the bay is the promontory of Zafferano, on which are the remains of ancient Soluntum; at the opposite end is Monte Pellegrino (see in...
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