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Palermo recent comments:

  • SS624, Ninni Cuva wrote 8 years ago:
    La possibilità di creare un sistema di mobilità sostenibile da e verso il centro storico e potenziare le linee degli autobus credo sarebbe l'ideale per migliorare la mobilità e il collegamento di questa zona con il centro storico
  • Palermo, Schnorrer (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    Palermo is the 8th largest Italian city.
  • Garibaldi garden, den (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    Площадь перед зданием Инквизиции.
  • Vucciria market, simo (guest) wrote 16 years ago:
    hna ah lwiz
  • Parco della Palazzina Cinese , winter43 (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    The Chinese Palace, shaded by Monte Pellegrino and immersed in the royal park of the Favorita, is a bulding which is worth visiting.It is a bizarre edifice, exotic, extravagant, with nothing else comparable to it in the rest of Southern Italy. Palermo had no tradition of relation or familiarity with pagodas, fanciful battlements, turrets, spires and galleries to justify, at the end of the 18th century, such evident architectonic extravagance.It must be noticed that this building with the most marked features of the Chinese style (but also Turkish, Persian and Indian) put up at the request of Ferdinand IV, king of the Two Sicilies, at the time when Napoleon flood reached Sicily as a backwash - yet it was built and lived in by the king during his few years of exile. Then,after almost one and half centuries of abandon, the Palace was used again. And leaving aside its questionable taste, in January 1935 the Pitré Ethnographic Museum was transferred from the four little rooms of the Assunta building to the outhouses of the strange villa, some 70 rooms around a spacious courtyard: the 1500 objects collected by Giuseppe Pitré, which Giuseppe Cocchiara had brought up to over 20000, thus creating the largest and most organic ethnographic collection in Southern Italy. by Giovanni Mascellaro
  • Parco della Palazzina Cinese , Giovanni Mascellaro (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    The Chinese Palace, shaded by Monte Pellegrino and immersed in the royal park of the Favorita, is a bulding which is worth visiting.It is a bizarre edifice, exotic, extravagant, with nothing else comparable to it in the rest of Southern Italy. Palermo had no tradition of relation or familiarity with pagodas, fanciful battlements, turrets, spires and galleries to justify, at the end of the 18th century, such evident architectonic extravagance.It must be noticed that this building with the most marked features of the Chinese style (but also Turkish, Persian and Indian) put up at the request of Ferdinand IV, king of the Two Sicilies, at the time when Napoleon flood reached Sicily as a backwash - yet it was built and lived in by the king during his few years of exile. Then,after almost one and half centuries of abandon, the Palace was used again. And leaving aside its questionable taste, in January 1935 the Pitré Ethnographic Museum was transferred from the four little rooms of the Assunta building to the outhouses of the strange villa, some 70 rooms around a spacious courtyard: the 1500 objects collected by Giuseppe Pitré, which Giuseppe Cocchiara had brought up to over 20000, thus creating the largest and most organic ethnographic collection in Southern Italy. by Giovanni Mascellaro
  • Central Railway Station, DavideAndrea wrote 17 years ago:
    Watch for pickpockets around this area!
  • Piazza Pretoria, Mrs O'Leary Cow (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    chase me you brute
  • Piazza Pretoria, Giovanni (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    We try to chase the chickens once a year. It tenderizes the meat.
  • Monte Pellegrino, winter43 (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    606 meters high mountain (8.50 mi. N. from Palermo) - has been sacred from the time when the remains of St.Rosalia, the mystical 12th-century patroness of the city, were found in a grotto, which then became a shrine (by Giovanni Mascellaro, Palermo).
  • Parco della Palazzina Cinese , wgiocoso wrote 17 years ago:
    Museo etnografico Giuseppe Pitrè
  • Quattro Canti, wgiocoso wrote 17 years ago: